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Why We Do This
Global Compassion, Local Impact
Since I was young, I often donated and volunteered at charities, just like so many others.
Then about 15 years ago, as my contributions increased significantly with my affordability, I discovered corruption, nepotism and inefficiencies in some of the world’s well-known charities I served in.
It opened the door for me to do my part by contributing in a more direct and personal way. This realization led to the founding of Gebirah, a self-funded humanitarian organization.
Why do I do this?
It stems from a deep gratitude for the love of God. This work is our way of expressing that gratitude and embracing the call to see God in every person, especially those who are suffering. As Matthew 25 reminds us, God is found in the least of His brethren, and that has deeply shaped how I view the world. When I see a refugee family, I see the Holy Family, for they too were once refugees.
Gebirah was born out of this conviction and the inspiration of the spirit of Opus Dei—a global initiative, currently headquartered in Singapore, where every life is valued and cherished.
Driven by this fundamental principle, Gebirah strives to put the virtue of mutual responsibility into action by empowering communities to look after each other, particularly those facing the harshest realities of war, disaster, and hardship.
We believe that together, we can make a significant impact.
It's all about seeking opportunities to assist someone in need in our everyday lives and doing what we can, big or small, amidst our current circumstances.
As Mother Teresa said, "Not all of us can do great things. But anyone can do small things with great love."
A single act of kindness can spark a ripple effect, creating a chain reaction of compassion.
So never underestimate the power of your small actions—they can lead to profound positive change.
The name "Gebirah," finds its roots in Hebrew, signifying "Queen Mother." It's often used to pay homage to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of Jesus Christ. Gebirah’s mission is dedicated to the Queenship of Mary, particularly under the title Our Lady of Perpetual Help.
To those who want to demonstrate the ultimate virtue of compassion for every marginalised or vulnerable person, Gebirah stands ready in support of your noble efforts.
If you feel helpless when you witness the sufferings of those caught in armed conflicts or disaster, you can help by sharing the mission of Gebirah with others.
Even if just one person in your network is inspired to help, or if someone in need finds support from us, you will have done a great service to your fellowmen.
Alternatively, you could volunteer with us and be a part of our dedicated team. Share your skills, talent, network and experience or join us on our mission trips.
I ask for your prayers as we strive to carry out this work to the best of our ability and thank you for considering this journey with us!
In His service,

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