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Standing with Refugees: A Lifeline for 677 Displaced Individuals in Indonesia

As night falls over Indonesia, Fatima, a mother who fled violence in Afghanistan, clung to her young child in a cramped, makeshift shelter.  

Her hope of finding safety is fading. Like thousands of others, she arrived in Indonesia seeking refuge but now faces a harsh reality—no legal right to work, no access to basic services, and an uncertain future.  

Many refugees are in a similar situation, teetering on the edge of survival. 

Indonesia hosts over 12,800 refugees registered with the UNHCR, most from Afghanistan, Myanmar, Somalia, Iraq, and Yemen. Despite this recognition, many refugees receive no shelter or financial assistance. The situation became even more dire in July 2024, when the UNHCR, overwhelmed by global crises and severe funding shortages, announced the suspension of monetary aid to 857 of the most vulnerable individuals. These people, including women, children, and the elderly, were suddenly left without any means to secure housing, food, or basic medical care. 

The sudden withdrawal of support has left them in extreme socio-economic peril. Unable to work legally, many are now at greater risk of homelessness, malnutrition, and exploitation. Gender-based violence, health crises, and even suicide are tragically becoming more common among the most vulnerable, particularly women and children. The toll this crisis is taking on their mental and physical well-being is profound, yet remains largely unseen by the world. 

Mission to Bring Hope 

In response, Gebirah , a humanitarian organization based in Singapore, applied for a grant from Caritas Humanitarian Aid & Relief Initiatives Singapore (CHARIS) to provide urgent support to 677 of these individuals. We are deeply grateful that our grant application has been approved. With this funding, we are now able to offer a lifeline to families like Fatima’s, ensuring that they have access to the most basic necessities of life—food, shelter, and medical care, at least for the interim. 

In Partnership for Change 

With the grant from CHARIS now secured, Gebirah is partnering with Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) Indonesia to ensure that aid reaches those who need it most. Working together, we will provide immediate assistance to refugees facing severe vulnerabilities, addressing critical gaps in housing, nutrition, and healthcare.  

Our focus is on not only alleviating the suffering but also empowering these individuals with the resources they need to survive the challenging months ahead. 

Humanitarian organizations in Indonesia are under immense pressure. The end of UNHCR aid has pushed refugees into deeper crises. As a member organisation of CHARIS, the overseas humanitarian arm of the Archdiocese of Singapore, Gebirah is working to help close this gap by uniting resources and expertise to provide more lasting support for these vulnerable communities. 

Urgent Need for Collaboration 

The reality for Indonesia’s refugees is stark. Most do not have access to safe housing or regular food supplies. Many live in squalid urban environments without clean water or proper sanitation. The mental health toll, especially among women and children, is immense. According to a 2023 UNHCR report, more than half of Indonesia’s refugee population experiences severe mental distress due to their uncertain futures. UN Women has also highlighted that 85% of female refugees face heightened risks of gender-based violence. 

This is where Gebirah’s partnership with JRS Indonesia comes into play. Together, we are committed to meeting the urgent needs of these vulnerable people. But we know that long-term solutions require coordinated efforts from governments, humanitarian organizations, and international bodies. To address the root causes of this crisis, we need to work together to create sustainable support networks. 

An Invitation to Act 

In the midst of this overwhelming humanitarian crisis, we invite you to stand with us. Gebirah, in partnership with JRS Indonesia, is organizing a mission trip to Bogor, Indonesia, to deliver much-needed aid to these refugees. But we cannot do this alone. Whether you represent a humanitarian agency, government body, or a community of volunteers, your support is urgently needed. 

Together, we can prevent a humanitarian disaster and bring hope to those who have nowhere else to turn. If you are interested in partnering with us, collaborating on our mission, or volunteering to make a difference, now is the time to act. 

Your contributions will make a significant impact in the lives of these displaced families.

Join us as we bring aid and compassion to those most in need. Together, we can restore dignity and hope to Indonesia’s forgotten refugees. 


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